Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in partnership with parents, we will faithfully teach the gospel and demonstrate the love of Christ to all children so that they will become disciples of Christ who trust, serve, worship, and obey Him now and into eternity to the glory of God the Father.

Kid's Ministry Features

Chronological approach allows kids to see how the whole Bible points to Christ.Spend equal time in the Old and New Testaments, learning how every story connects to the gospel.Bible stories brought to life through creative teaching elements.Family resources and age alignment make it easy for families to grow in the gospel together.In the Beginning helps kids discover how God's plan began. God created everything. He created people in His own image. even though Adam and Eve sinned, God revealed His plan to bring people back to Himself through the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Sessions include Bible stories from Genesis and Job.


VBS is one of the outstanding programs where kids experience Jesus’ love in a variety of unique ways!.

Making Jesus Real to Kids

A new program where kids experience Jesus’ love in a variety of unique ways!.