መድሃኔዓለም ወንጌላዊት ቤተክርስትያን



Men's ministry has a foundation of biblical truth and prayer and is inspired by Christ-centered worship. It has a framework of vital relationships within a masculine context and is guided by clear vision and goals. Equipped with resources and training, it facilitates the making of godly men who keep their promises and commitments. These men proactively apply their ministry gifts to influence their world for Christ by intentionally reconciling men to God and each other and by ministering to the needs of their church and community under the authority and direction of their church leadership.


Men need mentoring in current issues and trends and needs such as identity, friendships, awareness of God’s call, Discipline in priorities and values, learning how to seek God, a discipling process, marriage and family skills, Mentors and mentoring, spiritual leader at home, and stewardship skills.